The craft of Linguistics

Turning a handful of words into a painting

Words mean a lot more than the dictionary says. A love letter sent is much more when the 12-year-old boy sat on the wooden window sill of his little room with a yellow pencil, nothing more than a bed in his presence, protected by a faded bedsheet. Raining, dark clouds, his white and brown striped shirt bathing in the rain riddled breeze, making him sneeze.

Stories reimagined

A plain life is a story. Everything is a retelling as Author creates characters, takes inspiration from life, people around them and presents them in a story. The story may take place in a castle or a small village but its always a retelling of Author's wishes and fears, their whims and desires.

Every story is worth telling, it shows a innate trust we have within ourselves, it gives confidence in our emotions and a will to push forward. It is with this will that I portray some thoughts, some tales of wonder or of simple life, all for the ordinary us.