What we consider sorrow is nothing compared to someone who has gone through abuse. We should be grateful.
The Ocean
Every drop is the ocean.
A Ship A Vessel
Silence hidden behind my thoughts
There is always a way to look at things positively and calmly decide on a solution.
Tartarus's Shell
We miss one simple logic in science and logic and religion. Everything is inside something, if it exists it has to be inside something. Then there need to be infinite insides which is not possible so universe is not possible.
A forced reflection on your life which shows what makes you happy. If you choose your desires, leave your life and achieve. If you choose what you have, be grateful.
Karma is a
Karma is a good thing when people do good deeds. They will get blessed. But it's been named a bad thing in the culture because people just focus on the outcome of bad things.
Finding your soul is a luxury for the ones who are untouched by the horrors of earth.
Civilized or Animals
We are only able to eat meat because we can't talk to the meat's parents and itself, the children.
Talented or Moral
Talented people had money, all the material things they desired but moral people helped everyone even without money. It's not important to be talented but it's lovely to be altruistic.
Lovely Money
In current civilization it has become a need to earn money to take care of love. Love has not remained the single most important thing because a homeless person will never be able to take care medically.
Responsiblity or Love
Care comes from love but when we start worrying that comes out of responsiblity. Love lifts a person but responsiblity brings them down.
Accomplishment of whom
Space is the final frontier, that's not a wrong statement. It's one place where if we find someone, we stand together against them. But still, we consider win and defeat over nations' achievements in space, when in reality all of those are achievements of human race.
Everything we regard as exotic is just a dream. All things are normal to those who have them. We too will feel the same after we get those things.Note: Sonnet would have been better but Senryu was made for it.
Inclination defined as good
We think of good and bad as truths like planets and stars. Good and bad is according to which side of a situation you are on. Remember for the winning government, the fighter is always known as a revolutionary but for the existing one it's known as a rioter.
My religion the best
There are really 10000 religions and mythologies. We have to be either naive, or hopeful or arrogant to take ours as truth and force others on it or fight on it.
Who deserves the credit
If Hitler was not born, would we have atomic bomb? If the labors parents had sent them to study or had the money to send them, they won't be labors. Then who would have built Burj Khalifa? So not always the person responsible for something is the person who is actually responsible for it behind the scenes.
Don't take rules as natural laws. We create rules, the most charismatic of us, because we listen to them.
A short life in Civilization
Imagine Adam and Eve or according to your religion, there was no money, fights, families, cars, houses. You grow up, be safe and nothing else matters. All the problems apart from safety came from civilization.
Owning is a concept created by humans. Imagine you are in a spacecraft which is named Earth, do you care about what you own in it or do you care about the lives of your fellow astronauts and to live life to the fullest?
Do you belong?
Every human is different. We have different personalities but some gel with other more easily and others don't. Those others who don't are cast out. They should not feel bad because there are people who will love them and get along with them. You will find them.
Wisdom lies with?
We think wars are good when governments say so. Some say prayers are good for whatever you wish for. Parents say whatever they feel based on experience. There is no one truth, it changes for every human according to the times they live in, survive in.
We are bound on a much bigger scale than just a small space. Studies need decades then you are set in specific kind of job, prisonened in it. There's no way out of this planet let alone the universe. So just enjoy what you have and leave everything else alone.
Pre-Calendar Life
Years and months are a myth. Our life consists of just back to back days with Sun rising and going down and moon coming to full and hiding. Before calendar was invented people just searched for food and lived with their families without knowing or caring about what is time.
Our origins are not in religions
Either we believe God created us or we believe in Science, in both cases we came from a single origin. There were no religions or castes to divide us, we are one.
Nations or People?
Nations fight for their cause. People fight thinking they belong to nations but in reality we are one, the planet is one. There are no lines except the printed ones, we all are the same.
What's important in life?
Meaning of life is not in God or Religion or Science. Life gives meaning through the love of the mother for her child, the love of a sister for her brother, death gives meaning as it takes away what you had.
The simple rotation of Earth around Sun gave rise to unfounded discrimination.
Feelings are precious, words come and go.
Democracy's root is in discrimination over 49% of people who vote in minority.
Actions of a person are just cause and effect of everything that is going around them.
Homeless Trouble
People born in difficult times are strong but have no weight to bear as opposed to people who are born with silver spoons but lack courage for even the simplest problems in life.
Humanity has achieved a lot but nowadays everyone's day starts and ends at their phone.
People are never happy with what they have got. They just want things which they don't have.
Societal status is an unknown pressure in everyone's subconscious.
Who am I?
Journey of a seed which becomes even life at one point and gives life to another seed at another.
A powerful figure feeling bad for their own actions but not being able to fix or apologize.
A leaf
A kid's desire of separation from their family but gotten in a sad form.
Request of a father for his daughter to be independent and go live her life to the fullest.
A daughter
Depression of a daughter with great things in life as opposed to parents who become happy just looking at their kids.
One-sided love
Comparison of a recovering heartbreak with muscle reflexes when we touch a flatiron.
A wife
Situations where husband takes wives away from their family and forces to live away from them.
The struggles and emotions of long distance relationships.
A kid
A lonely kid with fake friends who is sent to playground every day by their parents.
Comparison of a mother's love for her son against that for her husband.
My love
Bad mouthing boyfriends who don't care about the relationship.
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